Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Up to 6,817 steps today...

[Alicia] So, in the spirit of getting healthy and working to challenge ourselves and other family members to get healthy, I am working toward a goal of 10,000 steps a day. Right now Brian is definitely outstepping me and not just because his one stride is equal to three of mine. He's on his feet with school and teaching all day almost every day, but I found this nice fitness trail to aid me in increasing my daily dose of cardio when we don't have the opportunity to walk to and from the campus which is approximately 2.5 miles. Besides increased exercise, we are also watching our diet more by increasing vegetables (lots more greens for the Greens) and fruit and drinking at least the recommended 8 cups of water a day. This is alll especially important because of the news I received today.
As I have not had the opportunity, for a variety of reasons, to get my thyroid checked since moving here, I went in for some tests last week. Well, the results as in as of this morning and they're not good, but they're not untreatable either. My thyroid (or TSH reading) is almost as high as when I was first diagnosed with hypothyroidism. In addition, I apparently now have high cholesterol. The thinking is that my cholesterol will go down once my thyroid gets under control and with the aid of good diet and more exercise. The results were rather surprising. I expected my thyroid level to be off, but not that far off and I certainly did not think that I would have high cholesterol, especially considering that I eat fairly healthy and am only 29, but apparently it is not an uncommon additional problem to have if you are as hypothyroid as I am right now. BUT, I just have to stay positive and realize that this is all completely treatable and that this is just that much more of a reason to increase my focus on establishing a more healthy lifestyle. So...there you have it! Maybe you too should join the challenge - I challenge you...get a pedometer and start journaling what you eat and how much water you drink. I bet you'll be surprised!


Jen said...

Wow, are they changing your dosage? That's sad, I know how hard you've worked to try to get yourself back on track. I hope you are level soon.

We're looking at trying Armour thyroid for me, I'm hoping since it is a more natural supplemental source, and includes both T3 and T4 that it will help me feel better, even though my levels have been "fine."

Roya said...

Dear Alicia & Brian
I'm curious for some updates and to know how many steps you've managed to take now. I was thinking of counting stairs (since that seems to be all i do)but then i thought that would just end up driving me crazy. :)
Love you and hope all is well.