Thursday, September 06, 2007

Water exercise is the way to go

Alicia: So, this morning I went to my water workout class. So fun! But hard. It's amazing how much of a workout you can get in the water with an hour of water aerobics. The instructor paid me several compliments along the lines of "Have you ever done aerobics before? You're good at this." and "Yeah, you've got it. Very good." I felt a little proud but also a little like I was 6. It was such a small accomplishment but one nonetheless. Not all of the workouts are easy especially when you have to try and stay in one place and are short and can barely touch the bottom in the shallow end. I'm exhausted. This is going to be very good for me. The other women in the class are very nice and welcoming. I should have done this a lot sooner. This is really going to help me in my battle with hypothyroidism and general de-stressing. My arms especially feel stronger and when I got home and weighed myself, I had lost 2 pounds. I know your weight can fluctuate up to 5lbs per day, but it still felt good to see the needle go down and to the left instead of the right. In fact, since starting the detox program (detoxing your body is a bit like spring cleaning - this is not the other kind of detoxing ... we all build up toxins in our body in the foods we eat, not drinking enough water, and not getting enough exercise - even stress increases the build-up of toxins) .... anyway ... since starting it, I have lost 7 pounds! Very proud of myself thank you very much! Now, Geoffrey, my brother, says I need to be creative today ... so ... here goes ....

Swimming in the pool
Jumping in, I didn't feel so cool
Daunting idea at first
Then I felt that burst -

Of energy as I crissed and crossed -
How much weight have I lost?
Stretching and crunching
Toes pointed, knees bunching.

I love the water.
Oh no ! Here I go ... teeter totter
Ooops ... drifting to the left then right
Up ... down ... with all my might.

Done already? Time flies ...
We say our goodbyes ...
I'm going to love this class.
Yep ... I think I'll pass.

Does that work Geoffrey?


geoffrey said...

gweat job, widdle awicia! you're such a gweat student!

Anonymous said...

Alicia...I wish I could join you. The hardest part will be to continue going and not stopping. So make yourself deserve it.
I loved your poem too.